
Pure Rhymes

Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.

  • at the bit
  • champ at the bit
  • quite a bit
  • think fit
  • throw a fit
  • get up and get
  • play hard to get
  • make a hit
  • smash hit
  • I don't get it
  • That's about the size of it
  • The cat did it
  • against it
  • as luck would have it
  • at it
  • beat it
  • beat one to it
  • before you know it
  • chance it
  • check it
  • come to think of it
  • cross a bridge before one comes to it
  • deal with it
  • easy does it
  • far from it
  • flush it
  • for it
  • full of it
  • get it
  • get off it
  • get with it
  • given the day that's in it
  • go it
  • go to it
  • grin and bear it
  • hang it
  • hard put to it
  • have had it
  • have it
  • heart isn't in it
  • heck of it
  • hightail it
  • hop to it
  • how goes it
  • if the cap fits, wear it
  • if the shoe fits, wear it
  • in it
  • just for the fun of it
  • just for the hell of it
  • kick it
  • let George do it
  • let's have it
  • long and short of it
  • made me do it
  • make a day of it
  • make a night of it
  • make a run for it
  • make no bones about it
  • make one's bed and lie in it
  • no two ways about it
  • nothing to it
  • of it
  • on the face of it
  • put one's back to it
  • put that in your pipe and smoke it
  • put to it
  • put your foot in it
  • rough it
  • see to it
  • skip it
  • sock it
  • take it
  • take it or leave it
  • the hell of it
  • there is nothing to it
  • think nothing of it
  • to it
  • to think of it
  • two ways about it
  • up against it
  • watch it
  • what about it
  • whistle for it
  • with it
  • you can't have your cake and eat it
  • you've made your bed- you'll have to lie in it
  • close knit
  • go legit
Pure Rhymes — Set #1 of 1


End Rhymes

Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.

"Go Pro" to see the next 49 end rhyme sets


Near Rhymes

Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.

  • take the fifth
  • agree with
  • alive with
  • be on the outs with
  • bear with
  • begin with
  • bound up with
  • break with
  • cast in one's lot with
  • cast one's lot with
  • charge with
  • check with
  • chum around with
  • come down with
  • come out with
  • come to grips with
  • come up with
  • deal with
  • do away with
  • do with
  • done with
  • faced with
  • fall in with
  • fiddle with
  • fit in with
  • fix someone up with
  • friends with
  • get away with
  • get carried away with
  • get in touch with
  • get in with
  • get involved with
  • get something over with
  • go all the way with
  • go hard with
  • go through with
  • go with
  • have a nodding acquaintance with
  • have a way with
  • have a word with
  • have an affair with
  • have done with
  • have nothing to do with
  • have to do with
  • in accordance with
  • in cahoots with
  • in line with
  • in with
  • keep in touch with
  • keep step with
  • keep up with
  • leave word with
  • level with
  • make away with
  • make free with
  • make haste with
  • make it with
  • meet up with
  • meet with
  • mop up the floor with
  • out of line with
  • over and done with
  • over with
  • part with
  • play around with
  • play cat and mouse with
  • play hob with
  • put up with
  • raise havoc with
  • reckon with
  • room with
  • run away with
  • saddled with
  • shack up with
  • shot through with
  • side with
  • sit up with
  • sit with
  • sleep with
  • spar with
  • square oneself with
  • stand in with
  • stand up with
  • stay with
  • stick with
  • stuck with
  • take a hard line with
  • take issue with
  • take up with
  • tamper with
  • team up with
  • the hell with
  • together with
  • touch base with
  • walk off with
  • what with
  • wipe the floor with
  • wipe up the floor with
  • wreak havoc with
Near Rhymes — Set #1 of 86
  • four bits
  • six bits
  • thrilled to bits
  • two bits
  • safety blitz
  • give fits
  • have fits
  • as good as one gets
  • give as good as one gets
  • the pits
  • call it quits
  • frightened out of one's wits
  • out of one's wits
Near Rhymes — Set #3 of 86

"Go Pro" to see the next 83 near rhyme sets


Mosaic Rhymes

Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."

One-syllable words do not have mosaic rhymes.

Mosaic Rhymes — Set #1 of 1