
Pure Rhymes

Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.

  • see you anon
  • all gone
  • far gone
  • and so on
  • bank on
  • bargain on
  • be hard on
  • be on
  • blow the whistle on
  • border on
  • bring on
  • brush up on
  • carry on
  • cash in on
  • cast doubt on
  • catch on
  • check up on
  • cheer on
  • come down hard on
  • come on
  • count on
  • cut one's eyeteeth on
  • cut one's teeth on
  • cut your teeth on
  • dash cold water on
  • dawn on
  • death on
  • develop a crush on
  • die with one's boots on
  • do a job on
  • down on
  • draw a bead on
  • draw on
  • edge on
  • egg on
  • fasten on
  • feast one's eyes on
  • figure on
  • get a fix on
  • get a grip on
  • get a head start on
  • get a line on
  • get a wiggle on
  • get in on
  • get on
  • get one's hands on
  • get the lowdown on
  • get the upper hand on
  • go back on
  • go on
  • going on
  • hand on
  • hang on
  • hang one on
  • hard on
  • have an edge on
  • have on
  • have one's ears on
  • have one's eye on
  • have something on
  • have the goods on
  • have the jump on
  • have the laugh on
  • head on
  • high on
  • hold on
  • home in on
  • hooked on
  • impose on
  • in on
  • jar on
  • keep a close check on
  • keep on
  • keep one's eye on
  • keep one's shirt on
  • keep tabs on
  • keep your hair on
  • know which side one's bread is buttered on
  • land on
  • later on
  • lay a finger on
  • lay hands on
  • lay on
  • lay one's finger on
  • lead on
  • lean on
  • leave without a leg to stand on
  • leg to stand on
  • let on
  • let one in on
  • look in on
  • move in on
  • movin' on
  • moving on
  • muscle in on
  • not a leg to stand on
  • not have anything on
  • odds on
  • one eye on
  • pass on
  • pick on
  • pin one's faith on
  • plan on
  • play tricks on
  • pour cold water on
  • prevail on
  • pride oneself on
  • pull the other one, it's got brass bells on
  • pull the plug on
  • push on
  • put a new face on
  • put dibs on
  • put on
  • put one's hand on
  • put someone on
  • put the bite on
  • rain on
  • rat on
  • rat out on
  • read up on
  • ride herd on
  • right on
  • rub off on
  • run out on
  • seize on
  • sell one on
  • set eyes on
  • set one's heart on
  • set one's mind on
  • set your sights on
  • settle on
  • shed light on
  • sign on
  • sit in on
  • sit on
  • sleep on
  • sneak up on
  • sold on
  • spot on
  • steal a march on
  • steal up on
  • step out on
  • stuck on
  • sweet on
  • switched on
  • tack on
  • take it out on
  • take on
  • take out on
  • tell on
  • throw light on
  • to lean on
  • trade on
  • try on
  • turn on
  • turn one's back on
  • wear on
  • wish off on
  • with bells on
  • with one's boots on
  • zero in on
  • bent upon
  • call upon
  • chance upon
  • come upon
  • dwell upon
  • expand upon
  • fall back upon
  • fall upon
  • frown upon
  • grow upon
  • happen upon
  • hinge upon
  • hit upon
  • improve upon
  • light upon
  • look down upon
  • look upon
  • lost upon
  • pass upon
  • play upon
  • prey upon
  • put upon
  • refine upon
  • set upon
  • take pity upon
  • throw light upon
  • touch upon
  • wait upon
  • weigh upon
  • work upon
  • hither and yon
Pure Rhymes — Set #1 of 1


End Rhymes

Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.

"Go Pro" to see the next 12 end rhyme sets


Near Rhymes

Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.

"Go Pro" to see the next 101 near rhyme sets


Mosaic Rhymes

Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."

One-syllable words do not have mosaic rhymes.

Mosaic Rhymes — Set #1 of 1