
Pure Rhymes

Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.

  • to err is human, to forgive divine
  • cut it fine
  • bottom line
  • bring into line
  • chow line
  • down the line
  • draw the line
  • drop a line
  • end of the line
  • fall into line
  • foul line
  • get into line
  • goal line
  • hard line
  • hold the line
  • in line
  • into line
  • lay it on the line
  • on the line
  • out of line
  • party line
  • put on the line
  • shoot a line
  • sign on the dotted line
  • spinning a line
  • thin blue line
  • thin line
  • toe the line
  • walk a fine line
  • make you mine
  • run of the mine
  • come rain or shine
  • rain or shine
  • Indian sign
  • give the high sign
  • high sign
  • road sign
  • before swine
  • cast one's pearls before swine
  • cast pearls before swine
  • clinging vine
  • on the vine
  • wither on the vine
Pure Rhymes — Set #1 of 1


End Rhymes

Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.

"Go Pro" to see the next 22 end rhyme sets


Near Rhymes

Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.

  • between the lines
  • fluff one's lines
  • read between the lines
  • back to the salt mines
  • to the salt mines
  • dressed to the nines
  • make hay while the sun shines
  • show signs
Near Rhymes — Set #1 of 42
  • go awry
  • abide by
  • by and by
  • come by
  • do well by
  • get by
  • give the go by
  • go by
  • lay by
  • pass by
  • put by
  • set great store by
  • set store by
  • sit by
  • squeak by
  • stand by
  • stop by
  • swear by
  • what's by
  • by the bye
  • far cry
  • hue and cry
  • cross one's heart and hope to die
  • do or die
  • never say die
  • hang out to dry
  • high and dry
  • keep your powder dry
  • leave high and dry
  • run dry
  • watching paint dry
  • apple of one's eye
  • apple of your eye
  • better than a stick in the eye
  • black eye
  • blink of an eye
  • catch one's eye
  • discerning eye
  • eagle eye
  • eye for an eye
  • get a black eye
  • get the eye
  • give one the eye
  • give the glad eye
  • half an eye
  • have an eye
  • hit the bull's eye
  • in one's mind's eye
  • in the eye
  • in the public eye
  • in the twinkling of an eye
  • meet one's eye
  • more than meets the eye
  • mud in your eye
  • not bat an eye
  • out of the corner of one's eye
  • private eye
  • red eye
  • see eye to eye
  • shut eye
  • to the eye
  • turn a blind eye
  • twinkling of an eye
  • weather eye
  • bar fly
  • feathers fly
  • make the feathers fly
  • on the fly
  • pigs might fly
  • pop fly
  • sacrifice fly
  • will never fly
  • French fry
  • bigger fish to fry
  • fish fry
  • other fish to fry
  • small fry
  • something goodbye
  • fall guy
  • nice guy
  • wise guy
  • flying high
  • knee high
  • riding high
  • let sleeping dogs lie
  • the big lie
  • white lie
  • easy as pie
  • eat humble pie
  • finger in the pie
  • have a finger in the pie
  • sweetie pie
  • once bitten, twice shy
  • bear in the sky
  • out of a clear blue sky
  • pie in the sky
  • reach for the sky
  • on the sly
  • in short supply
  • hog tie
  • old school tie
  • old college try
Near Rhymes — Set #2 of 42
  • fall behind
  • four-square behind
  • get behind
  • hang behind
  • leave behind
  • blind leading the blind
  • fly blind
  • stone blind
  • ax to grind
  • axe to grind
  • in kind
  • nothing of the kind
  • bear in mind
  • blow one's mind
  • boggle the mind
  • call to mind
  • change one's mind
  • come to mind
  • frame of mind
  • give one a piece of one's mind
  • give someone a piece of your mind
  • have in mind
  • in a bad frame of mind
  • in a good frame of mind
  • in mind
  • in one's right mind
  • keep in mind
  • know one's own mind
  • make up one's mind
  • never mind
  • of the same mind
  • on one's mind
  • out of mind
  • out of one's mind
  • out of sight, out of mind
  • out of your mind
  • pass through one's mind
  • presence of mind
  • prey on one's mind
  • put you in mind
  • slip one's mind
  • speak one's mind
  • through one's mind
  • turn over in one's mind
  • weigh on one's mind
Near Rhymes — Set #3 of 42

"Go Pro" to see the next 39 near rhyme sets


Mosaic Rhymes

Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."

One-syllable words do not have mosaic rhymes.

Mosaic Rhymes — Set #1 of 1