
Pure Rhymes

Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.

  • take aim
  • to blame
  • stake a claim
  • add fuel to the flame
  • an old flame
  • old flame
  • ahead of the game
  • at stage of the game
  • ball game
  • be game
  • love game
  • name of the game
  • on the game
  • pick-up game
  • play a waiting game
  • play the game
  • skin in the game
  • still in the game
  • whole new ball game
  • clear one's name
  • drop name
  • handle to one's name
  • in name
  • pet name
  • to one's name
  • damn shame
  • for shame
  • put to shame
  • to shame
Pure Rhymes — Set #1 of 1


End Rhymes

Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.


Near Rhymes

Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.

  • Father's Day
  • ghost of a
  • give one a
  • have a
  • many a
  • nary a
  • or one hell of a
  • put up a
  • go astray
  • back away
  • blast away
  • blow the cobwebs away
  • carry away
  • cart away
  • eat away
  • edge away
  • explain away
  • fall away
  • far and away
  • fire away
  • fritter away
  • get away
  • give away
  • give oneself away
  • give the show away
  • keep away
  • lay away
  • miles away
  • pass away
  • peg away
  • pine away
  • plug away
  • put away
  • rust away
  • salt away
  • shoo away
  • shrug away
  • slip away
  • smooth away
  • sneak away
  • spirit away
  • square away
  • squared away
  • steal away
  • stow away
  • take it away
  • take one's breath away
  • take your breath away
  • tear oneself away
  • throw away
  • waste away
  • wear away
  • whale away
  • while away
  • at bay
  • bring to bay
  • keep at bay
  • to bay
  • every ass likes to hear himself bray
  • vicar of bray
  • feet of clay
  • la ti da
  • ta da
  • Rome wasn't built in a day
  • black day
  • brighten up the day
  • call it a day
  • carry the day
  • cold light of day
  • day by day
  • day to day
  • every dog has his day
  • forever and a day
  • good day
  • have a field day
  • he'll rue the day
  • in the cold light of day
  • name day
  • night and day
  • not to give one the time of day
  • off day
  • pass the time of day
  • rainy day
  • red letter day
  • save for a rainy day
  • save the day
  • see the light of day
  • that'll be the day
  • the other day
  • time of day
  • tomorrow's another day
  • get gray
  • meet halfway
  • meet one halfway
  • meet someone halfway
  • hit the hay
  • make hay
  • let it lay
  • be that as it may
  • come what may
  • let the chips fall where they may
  • a ok
  • a ok
  • crime doesn't pay
  • devil to pay
  • the devil to pay
  • child's play
  • fair play
  • foul play
  • game at which two can play
  • while the cat's away, the mouse will play
  • dare say
  • have one's say
  • strange to say
  • that is to say
  • you don't say
  • get underway
  • any old way
  • any which way
  • come a long way
  • come one's way
  • feel one's way
  • find out the hard way
  • get in one's way
  • get out of the way
  • give way
  • go one's way
  • go out of one's way
  • hard way
  • have the right of way
  • in a bad way
  • in a big way
  • in a kind of way
  • in a sort of way
  • in the family way
  • in the way
  • lead the way
  • learn the hard way
  • make one's way
  • make way
  • no way
  • on one's way
  • out of one's way
  • pave the way
  • pay one's way
  • pick one's way
  • put in one's way
  • put one out of the way
  • put out of the way
  • rub someone up the wrong way
  • rub the wrong way
  • stand in one's way
  • the whole way
  • the wrong way
  • where there's a will, there's a way
Near Rhymes — Set #3 of 47

"Go Pro" to see the next 44 near rhyme sets


Mosaic Rhymes

Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."

One-syllable words do not have mosaic rhymes.

Mosaic Rhymes — Set #1 of 1