
Pure Rhymes

Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.

  • rope Into
  • black and blue
  • bolt from the blue
  • feeling blue
  • go blue
  • out of the blue
  • true blue
  • home brew
  • paddle one's own canoe
  • paddle your own canoe
  • bite off more than one can chew
  • bite off more than you can chew
  • more than one can chew
  • section crew
  • That will do
  • derring do
  • fail to do
  • feel free to do
  • how do you do
  • make do
  • no can do
  • to do
  • well to do
  • become due
  • give one's due
  • give the devil his due
  • a few
  • not a few
  • kung fu
  • yoo hoo
  • blow into
  • break into
  • bump into
  • burst into
  • come into
  • cut into
  • dip into
  • drop into
  • get into
  • go into
  • light into
  • look into
  • nose into
  • pitch into
  • plow into
  • plug into
  • read into
  • run into
  • sail into
  • see into
  • sink one's teeth into
  • step into
  • stick one's nose into
  • swear into
  • talk into
  • tear into
  • tie into
  • wade into
  • work into
  • bran new
  • as an old shoe
  • comfortable as an old shoe
  • common as an old shoe
  • saddle shoe
  • be in a stew
  • break through
  • carry through
  • come through
  • fall through
  • follow through
  • get through
  • go through
  • leaf through
  • plow through
  • pull through
  • put through
  • run through
  • see through
  • sit through
  • squeak through
  • through and through
  • thumb through
  • wade through
  • about to
  • according to
  • add up to
  • amount to
  • answer to
  • as to
  • be itching to
  • be on to
  • be out to
  • beat to
  • bring to
  • build up to
  • come to
  • come up to
  • did use to
  • do justice to
  • due to
  • dying to
  • equal to
  • extend one's sympathy to
  • eye to
  • face up to
  • fall to
  • for to
  • from to
  • get around to
  • get down to
  • get next to
  • get through to
  • get to
  • get used to
  • give birth to
  • give credence to
  • give free rein to
  • give it to
  • give oneself up to
  • give place to
  • give rise to
  • give the lie to
  • give thought to
  • given to
  • go to
  • going to
  • hand it to
  • hang on to
  • have got to
  • heart goes out to
  • heave to
  • hold a stick to
  • hold to
  • in regard to
  • inclined to
  • just coming up to
  • lay oneself open to
  • lay to
  • lead to
  • leak to
  • lean to
  • lend an ear to
  • lend color to
  • lend itself to
  • lend oneself to
  • lie to
  • live up to
  • look forward to
  • look to
  • look up to
  • mind to
  • next to
  • not have the heart to
  • one's hat is off to
  • partial to
  • party to
  • pay court to
  • pay lip service to
  • pay one's respect to
  • play up to
  • put a stop to
  • put up to
  • relative to
  • rise to
  • room to
  • rub up to
  • run to
  • set fire to
  • set one's hand to
  • set to
  • shine up to
  • so as to
  • stand up to
  • subject to
  • take a dislike to
  • take a fancy to
  • take a liking to
  • take a shine to
  • take exception to
  • take kindly to
  • take off one's hat to
  • take to
  • thanks to
  • turn a deaf ear to
  • turn one's hand to
  • turn to
  • used to
  • when it comes to
  • wise up to
  • with an eye to
  • with reference to
  • with regard to
  • with relation to
  • with respect to
  • eat one's cake and have it too
  • have one's cake and eat it too
  • have your cake and eat it too
  • none too
  • you can't have cake and the topping, too
  • ring true
  • in two
  • one two
  • tell a thing or two
  • thing or two
  • I love u
  • bird's eye view
  • in view
  • point of view
  • worm's eye view
  • who is who
  • pitch woo
  • I tell you
  • I'm telling you
  • ain't got nothing on you
  • all right for you
  • for you
  • i've got a bone to pick with you
  • mind you
  • says you
  • thank you
  • that's for you
Pure Rhymes — Set #1 of 1


End Rhymes

Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.

  • get onto
  • hitch onto
  • open onto
End Rhymes — Set #1 of 27

"Go Pro" to see the next 24 end rhyme sets


Near Rhymes

Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.

  • pick and choose
  • no time to lose
  • bad news
  • mind one's p's and q's
  • mind your p's and q's
  • tighten the screws
  • Jesus shoes
  • be in someone else's shoes
  • dead men's shoes
  • fill one's shoes
  • gym shoes
  • in someone else's shoes
  • into one's shoes
  • put oneself in another's shoes
  • step into one's shoes
  • walk a mile in my shoes
  • no use
  • put to use
  • to use
Near Rhymes — Set #1 of 44
  • go over like a lead balloon
  • trial balloon
  • rough hewn
  • cry for the moon
  • dark of the moon
  • for the moon
  • full of the moon
  • man in the moon
  • once in a blue moon
  • over the moon
  • promise the moon
  • greasy spoon
  • call the tune
  • carry a tune
  • change one's tune
  • change your tune
  • dance to another tune
  • in tune
  • out of tune
  • sing a new tune
  • sing in tune
  • sing out of tune
  • slow tune
  • to another tune
  • whistle a different tune
Near Rhymes — Set #2 of 44

"Go Pro" to see the next 41 near rhyme sets


Mosaic Rhymes

Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."

  • awe + to
  • awe + you
  • bourgeois + to
  • bourgeois + who
  • bra + to
  • la + queue
  • la + rue
  • la + to
  • law + do
  • law + due
  • law + grew
  • law + knew
  • law + through
  • law + to
  • law + too
  • law + two
  • law + view
  • law + who
  • law + you
  • ma + to
  • pas + lieu
  • pas + to
  • Pasha + to
  • raw + to
  • Shah + to
  • spa + to
  • ya + do
  • ya + to
Mosaic Rhymes — Set #1 of 1